I did trap beavers once or twice. The price really isn't all that good on 'em and to get a really nice pelt it takes a LOT of work. Too much for the return.. But then again they make really nice gifts for our less politically correct friends and family.
As far as the damage they do it is truly amazing. The state did a dynamiting of a damn..er..dam. Didn't get the Beavers. 3 days later..the road was flooded again... Happened twice and they finally hired a trapper to get 'em. He did and they destroyed the dam again..hehehehe. Permanently that time. I do have to agree with Mr 16. They do make GREAT wood duck shootin areas. But they do destroy a lot of woods habitat for other critters. A friend in Md had a beautiful little stream bottom with about a hundred acres of marketable timber. Critters moved in and dammed it up. Destroyed about half of it..one short summer was all it took
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin