Thread: Found a puppy!
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Old 11-14-2010, 12:57 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
By the're gonna love that dog..specially when it weighs 100 pounds and wants to still be a lap dog..LOL!!
My sentiments exactly. Nitro is 105 pounds and still wants to sit on top of me. Freaking insane. I also think labs are some of the best hunting dogs around. Hunted with Golden Retrievers prior to getting Nitro and they do not even come close to Nitro. Nitro has been pretty easy to train, but I never got around to doing hand signals very much. Life just got in the way of the rest of his training.

I don't even want to think about Nitro passing on.

Just in case I haven't already said it, congrats on the new puppy and make sure you continue with updates and pics. Best time to get them is when the puppy is sleeping.

Here are some pics. The first one is 5 days after I got Nitro.

The second one is about a month after I had him. That was his first day in the field hunting and he was pooped. He actually ran right to the dove I shot that day with my brand new 20 gauge. I'll probably never forget that.

Third pic is my dad and Nitro about 45 days after I got him. Both of them were tired from hunting that day. You can already see how much bigger Nitro is after just 45 days. Lucky for me, the only thing he chewed up was my laptop cord and I was able to splice it together.
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The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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