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Old 12-01-2010, 07:05 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Can't answer definetively, as I don't use hevishot all that much. I tried it (before 2006) on a goose hunt and found it to be very effective, but not more so than the Federal Tungsten Iron loads I was using right next to it......both killed geese dead at waterfowling ranges. I bought about 10lbs of the stuff and reloaded it, and still have probably 90% of it left.
I can see where they might decrease the amount of certain metals in the mix, esp. with the cost of metals skyrocketing in recent years. I think there was a poll going around a few years back, asking "how much do you think is too much for a waterfowling shell", or something to that effect.....most folks answered around $3/shell, IIRC. So I can see where the folks at Hevishot would want to keep their product costs down. After all, if there are other nontoxics out there that are just as effective, and cost the same, why should I use hevishot, esp. if I can't use it out of my muzzleloader, older shotguns, ect.

As for turkey loads: Seeing as how you will probably only fire one or two rounds a year, I can see where they would keep their formula the same for these folks.....they aren't going through a case of shotshells a year on their sport.
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