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Old 12-11-2010, 08:50 AM
357Maximum 357Maximum is offline
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Originally Posted by Adam Helmer View Post

One more thing, IF you jam the bullets hard into the lands, you run the very real risk of a bore obstruction when you attempt to eject an unfired round-the bullet may STAY in the lands!

I recommend you stay a few thousands OFF the lands unless you want a stuck bullet.

I also don't care for the sound of jamming anything that has to do with bullets or firearms for that matter. However: I have had exceptional shooting accuracy with very like neck tension, and seating the bullet to the lands. This method is only recommended for bench / target shooting where once you chamber the round you spend that round, otherwise you might experience a bullet being held by the lands and a load of powder being dumped into the action. (not fun) If during load development you are fortunate enough to have the sweet spot somewhere off the lands, mark that spot , make a dummy and consider yourself a happy old coot.
That's an X
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