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Old 12-12-2010, 02:21 AM
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Originally Posted by grayghost View Post
I'm not paying $25-$30 for any box of 10 shells. I have no problems killing ducks/geese with Winchester or Kent steel loads. No, I'm not pass shooting but I do knock Snow geese out of the sky with steel BB's (3"). Most of my hunting is over decoys. I have no issue with anyone using high dollar shells, but to me, we're getting hosed and I'm not buying it. I have shot some of the expensive loads (field tested) and my end results were no better than steel. If you can work ducks and geese into reasonable range, steel will kill effectively.
Yeah, my first two shells are usually steel and the third shell is Hevi-Shot or Remington HD. From now on though, it will either be Hevi-Shot Dead Coyote which uses pellets that are heavier than lead or Remington HD where the pellets are heavier than lead. Looks like Environmetal has decided to scrimp to save a couple dollars and beat out Remington on the price point. If I am already paying $28 for 10 shells, what the heck is another $5.

In my opinion, there is definitely a difference between true Hevi-Shot and steel in the performance category. Yeah, Hevi-Shot isn't needed for the close shots, but who really knows what the situation is going to present. Sometimes, the birds just don't want to come in close. Had one group land on the outer edge of the decoys a couple of weeks ago and that was 60 to 70 yards out in the field. You just never know.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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