Fabs..not dissing you..but all the "reasons" you enumerated aren't really reasons..they are excuses. Ask me how I know it. I used 'em all myself. when I wanted to do something else with my life. I "convinced" myself the same way you are doing. To give you an idea..You can make a pretty fair living anywhere. You can do so much of the work you do at home. All schoold seem to have some good classes. My grandkids are both in gifted programs as they should be. Grandson is finishing up calculus now and has a class in an advanced physics coming up soon. In the Queen Annes county system. If the kids are smart they will learn well anywhere. That is your responsibility though. Heck even here the attorneys make really good money. as could you. When the kids get to be in school they won't want to leave their school. Find a nice place now while the costs per acre are down and there are some foreclosures even available. Don't make excuses..make hay while the sun is shining. I still have a couple hundred acres on the shore..can't sell it now for it's true value but I only paid 125 Thousand all those years ago. Didn't think I would ever get it paid for..and it took me a whole 4 yrs. Be creative and be bold. You won't be sorry in the future. Buying another place out here myself..and i don't have a big income. If I can you can too. No excuses..As Yoda said..don't try..just do. Now all we have to do is get rid of the wolves and the elk herd can come back again..
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin