Thread: Recoil pad?
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Old 12-29-2010, 04:05 PM
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Rapier Rapier is offline
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I have used quite a few in my stock making hobby and really, the Packmeyer is hard to beat. It stays solid without getting tacky, factory or grindable.

Just watch your length of pull (LOP) and make sure you stay within confortable measurments. The gun should come up naturally. If you must cut the stock, get a good grindable pad, set the miter box, with a new fine blade, to cut 5 to 10 degrees under at the toe and if you do not have a jig or other equipment, take it to a smith to have the pad fitted properly to you and the stock.

I have long arms and big hands so my LOP is 15 1/8 inches which means that most factory stocks are too short for me to start with so a pad that fits a factory stock is good for me 99% of the time. But do consider a jacket or coat not a T shirt if doing the measurment in the house, and remember that you will be removing a butt plate or pad to put on the recoil pad so work that into your length figuring also. Most factory stocks will have a LOP of 14.5 to 14.75 as they set.
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