I've had a few and all were pretty accurate..cept one..It had a bedding problem that took a whole 40 minutes to fix. The only used rifle i have ever bought that was not acceptably accurate was a Rem 700 that just wouldn't shoot. Some as Gil said..just clean 'em and they are usually pretty good to go. I have a couple of Savage ML-10s that are accurate..well one is. The other is unfired so far. A muzzy that will shot in an inch and a half at 150 yds is pretty good in my opinion. I shot a coyote at about that distance a week ago and that 250 gr bullet just destroyed the sucker. I have a Rem 700 in 280 I just mounted a scope on to sell. Bore sighted it last night. Gun has a bit of road rash from being carried. Bet it shoots. Used guns are usually a bargain. Good on you Gil
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin