Is it possible.....
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01-09-2011, 04:32 PM
Registered User
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 929
My experience with a suppressed firearn is very thin. Exactly one time. The rifle, the military M4 with suppressor and scope. It was at my range where a bunch of Army Rangers were doing sight ins and pratice with the M4's. Some were suppressed and some were not. They very kindly let me shoot both types and it was a great experience. The scopes were sighted in at 100 meters and had "hash marks" to 500 meters. There were also windage hash marks as well. In two shots I was ringing a 500 meter gong regularly with no misses from prone position. Way cool. Then I was allowed to try a surpressed gun. No, it didn't sound much like Hollyweird's idea of a "silenced" weapon. The sound was noticable but not really loud. I commented on this and because of the quieted down muzzle blast, and it was substantial, the sonic crack of the bullet was considered more likely to confuse the enemy as to where the shot actually came from.As they werejust abutthrough with their shooting, I was also allowed some full auto time.
What a thrill it was to get to play with toys my government won't allow me to have.
Paul B.
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