Thread: Wolf Issues!
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Old 01-29-2011, 12:51 PM
Larryjk Larryjk is offline
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Wolf Issues!

There are a significant number of wolf sightings down across central Wyoming from the source of Yellowstone. It is breeding season and the wolves are crowded in Yellowstone and spreading out in search for new pack territories. The feds and the states cannot agree on the management of these animals and they are spreading out to where they are going to become a huge problem. In the recent past, they weren't too big a problem because they were a rarity. Now they are becoming common and they will start eating things that will create attention. Some folks are starting to handle the problem on their own initiative. You know;SSS or Shoot, shovel and shutup.
Dead wolves are beginning to show up and the USFWS is "determining" cause of death. That should be interesting to hear. I am on a board that deals with predatory animal management and we gather information on what is happening. The gov't trappers have to pull all control devices within 5 miles of any wolf sightings, so it has a bearing on coyote control. The average annual coyote take from this county was over 2,000. This will impact the take.
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