ain't seen nothing yet! It is gertting out of control up here in northwest Wy. I was elk hunting on Friday and the fellow I was hunting with told me he hadn't seen a wolf or even a track where we were hunting. I swear this is the truth..we didn't go 50 yds when what we did we behold but a pair crossed the trail we were on..only a few seconds because they never even saw us(I don't think) as they were on the trail of a deer. That's why we saw the wolves because we had seen the deer first. It was running and we thought we had scared him out. Guess not. The wolves are in the Bighorns and in the Pryors as well as the well as spreading through the Bighorn Basin. I was talking to a gummit man not too long ago and he hinted that they had ..taken care... of a couple very large coyotes(ahem) a mile or so from home here. I think they ate somones their yard if i'm not wrong..not an ankle biter either. There is some instances of SSS in this area for certain.. Course the cattleman's coyote bounty is going on now I think
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin