Thread: Wolf Issues!
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Old 01-30-2011, 11:17 PM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
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Fabs..people have been controlling the elk deer etc herds for a long time. When the deer started to go awry in Md they upped the limit on deer. The herds are out of control in Md mainly in the areas where they can't be hunted or where landowners do not allow hunting..Like the Loch Raven area north of Baltimore. The people liked seeing the deer in the area till they ate everything edible around their houses.. I have seen the area with a browse line at 6 ft. The wolves are a different problem. If you had seen this area esp Yellowstone 15 yrs ago you would understand. Wolves were here. They didn't need to be (re) introduced...and the protection accorded the animals has hurt game and nongame species in this area to an unbelievable level. It is a matter of governmental control(of people) by listing the wolf as an endangered species..not a necessity to protect protect the wolves. It would be almost impossible to wipe out the wolf in today's environment. They were hunted with gun trap and poison for 2 centuries and not eliminated..That could not(and should not) happen now. But the rules that we have to live under now are detrimental to other animals..ranchers hunters and even hikers. Seems as though the gummit thinks that the wolf is much more important than people. Mismanagement is abysmal from either side of the coin....and the rules we have now are mismanagement big time.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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