Speakin of beavers..when they were kinda new in our area..they built a dam next to a county road..flooded it..County got a backhoe down there and cleaned the dam out..2 days and flooded again..got hold of the state ..they said they had to leave 'em alone...blew the dam with giant powder..no good again...before the state could get a judge to stop 'em..a good ole boy went and took care of the problem..shotgunned 'em kinda permanent...he was a county roads worker..and was tired of havin to keep messin with 'em. He got a bonus that year.
We were duck huntin a beaver pond..game warden checked us an told us he could cite us fer shootin over bait...darn beavers climbed the hill next to the stream they had dammed and cut corn stalks off in great numbers and plugged the dam with it...my Lord there was a bunch of mostly wood ducks in there...Seriously..well over a 1000 wood ducks staying in tha beaver pond.. the woodies looked like ants combing that woods for acorns..There was a heck of a crop of them too. Game warden was kind and laughed at us when we looked the sitation over. We hadn't ever gotten too closeto the dam not wanting to scare the ducks. Next day the game warden bagged up 4 guys..trespassing..unplugged guns..lead shot with 38 birds..only 30 over the limit..2 went to jail one killed himself and the other one got off with a slapped wrist after he ratted out some other drugger friends on where he got the marijuana they caught him with. So ...don't think beavers can't be dangerous in some instances..LOL
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin