Thread: Wolf Issues!
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Old 02-01-2011, 10:34 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Thing is, when things get tough the wolves will start eating people and pets, and that is where the problem comes in.
I don't think things have to "get tough" before they start eating people/pets.....wolves, like other predators, are opportunistic, and will take an easy meal where ever they find it.
Read about a family that watched in horror in the U.P. of Michigan as a wolf chased their Labrador puppy under the house and proceeded to eat it. The family heard the whole thing under the floor boards! Have to believe the story is came from a DNR blotter. Typical goverment response to stuff like that is "we'll reimburse you....maybe". Tired of that crap; don't mind wolves, but don't think that states that have a heavy reliance on outfitting/hunting & farming/ranching are going to get a bit pissed when states like NY, CA, MD, ect, are dictating just how this problem really doesn't need solving when it doesn't affect them. We have all been told that coyotes wont' bother you; that they are more afraid of you than you are of them.....if that's the case, then how did that female Canadian singer get killed in an Ontario park? Apparently, those coyotes didn't get the memo from Peta!

We have a problem with yotes in the city where I live....eating pets (small dogs and cats)....several dogs have been attacked. Animal control will not do anything about the problem.....(responses vary, but it ranges from "we don't have any money" to "that's an issue for the state" to "they are more afraid of you than you are of them"). In light of such B.S., some citizens have taken matters into their own hands and are practicing "SSS".....I say "good for them"! If the government (who is here to "help" you, or so they say....) won't help the matter, then it is your civic duty to take matters into your own hands.
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!
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