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Old 02-02-2011, 03:13 PM
multibeard multibeard is offline
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
Multi..the weather channel over predicts for sensationalism and ratings. I never watch the idiots..
I never watch the weather channel because I get tired of waiting for them to finally get to telling my forcast and don't get it anyway because my feble mind has wandered off to another interest.

We have 2 local stations and it is a contest for ratings.

They have been camparing last nights storm to the blizzard of '78. What a joke I could have drove to town this morning. I was snowed in for 2 weeks in '78. My son and I skied 3 miles into town after a week to get the mail for us and all the neighbors and some milk. We did not need any other groceries as the pantry was always full.

We only got 8 inches of snow last night her in the middle of the mit and my son got a foot back home. NO big deal.

EDIT I see on the news tonite we got a foot of snow last night. Ya right!!!!!

Last edited by multibeard; 02-02-2011 at 07:48 PM. Reason: added to post
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