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Old 02-02-2011, 03:47 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
Multi..the weather channel over predicts for sensationalism and ratings. I never watch the idiots..

As far as the back east thing..they are not used to driving in a foot of snow...anymore. The snow used to stay around much longer in the past..but for the last 40 yrs it would snow and generally be gone in a day or two. Now with them getting dumped on because of Al's Global Warming scenarios..all those people do not know how to live with out the gummit helping them. Talked to a friend from Md this AM. he asked the temp and since it was 24 below..when I told him..he asked how we could live with it that cold. Sun is shinin and a beautiful day right Temp is 12 below...It almost seems balmy in the sun:eek:......Well...not really!
Don't even get me started about this stuff and Maryland. Sheez. What a bunch of morons. We drove down to Florida on Thursday and the number of morons that abandoned their cars over that night/morning was incredible. I saw a BMW M3 on the side of I-95 right in Virginia right after the DC beltway. The person that thought he/she would be able to drive that in the snow needs to get his/her head examined. Would have been nice if a plow had hit it.

Sometimes, I wonder if the retailers and grocery stores give the weather forecasters kick backs to predict this stuff and get everybody up in a frenzy to go and buy toilet paper, milk, bread, etc.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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