Thread: New Army Rifle?
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Old 02-03-2011, 05:53 PM
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That was why I mentioned what I was told about CQB and CQC situations. We at times carried Car-15s in Vietnam and they were very fast, I would think very much like an M-4 but I am told the same story by two folks, that the SCAR is a two to three shot to one in CQC or CQB wnen compared to the M-4 on a first shot basis. Oddly enough the guys did not know why either, just that after timing they were that much faster, their time VS their time. Believe me, I asked why.

I did not mention the tinker toy aspect of the gun, but it looks like a "make what you want" kind of battle rifle, assault rifle, machinegun, subgun, grenade launcher, SAW, etc, etc. It sorta looks like if you had a gun and a footlocker full of parts you could almost make an airplane out of it.
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