What I find interesting is the panic that took place when the weather announcers started hyping this storm.....people in DROVES went to the grocery stores.....what, you don't keep a little extra on the shelves? What's gonna happen when there is a REAL emergency??
Had to go to work the day of the storm....found that the one main street was better plowed than the freeway I had to take part of the way in. Nobody on the roads....I left an hour earlier than I usually do and made it there 45 minutes earlier than I had to be!
The next day (day after the storm) was a heck of a lot worse! Idiots who clear out a postage stamp sized spot on their rear window, and don't clean off their bumper (I'm supposed to be able to tell that they've just slammed on their brakes by the pinkish hue that the snow kind of takes on!

) I leave 3 car lengths between me and the car in front of me, but this A-hole decides to give me an inch (if that) before cutting over into my lane (and of course he didn't use his turn signals....not that they would have done any good with all the damn snow on his bumper). I lay on the horn, and he flips ME off! What I wouldn't give for an iron bar and five minutes along in a room with that jackass!