Originally Posted by skeet
You know what is really amazing to me?? All those people in the city who have a big ol SUV..and have never learned how to drive the darn thing in the snow. I know people back in Md who have had one of them for 4 or 5 years and have NEVER used the 4 wheel drive. DUH..why do ya have it??..and the ones I really like are the ones who have an all wheel drive and think it is the same as 4 wheel drive. Not hardly Norbert!!
I am sitting here laughing like crazy. Skeet, you know it is because they aspire to be weekend warrior offroaders one day in their Hummers.
On another note, I was in Centreville on Friday for a hearing. Passed a farm for sale on 213 on my way into town. It is 155 acres. Any idea what the owner is asking for it? The number of geese in the area was insane. One of the fields off of 301 must have had 10,000+ in it and they were still piling in as I was driving by. It pained me to work on Friday after seeing that.