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Old 03-08-2011, 11:12 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by cobrican View Post
I shot several boxes of it. It killed birds, but it sure isn't cheap. I am torn. I like to show up prepared, but I almost cried when I balanced the check book at the end of season. The cost of shells ate my lunch.
Yeah, well I am still using the 2 boxes that I bought and haven't really been that impressed with it for the added price. So, I spent a couple hundred on Hevi-Shot to use isntead of the Hevi-Metal. Actually, ended up going with Remington HD because it is supposed to be made with the authentic, "heavier than lead" Hevi-Shot versus the new BS from Eniron-Metal that is branded Hevi-Shot.

Essentially, I was wondering if you noticed a difference between Hevi-Metal, Remington Nitro steel, or something like Federal Blackcloud. Personally, I think the Federal Blackcloud is better than the Hevi-Metal. However, I didn't do enough hunting with the Hevi-Metal this year to completely conclude that it is. Might be able to get out there a lot more this year since I moved to a new house just 6 miles down the road from one of the farms I hunt.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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