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Old 03-09-2011, 07:17 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Location: Troy, MI
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I haven't used the newer "Hevi-metal", but I have used the older (pre enviromental) hevishot, Federals Tungsten Iron, and Tungsten matrix.
My take on these loads is this: They kill birds, but so do fast steel loads when used within their limitations. However, I do like using these loads on geese as opposed to steel as I don't need the bigger pellets and get a better pattern density with the smaller, denser if I am exclusively hunting geese, I will most likely be using one of the 'wonder pellets". I think from that aspect, you will get cleaner kills with the hevishot than steel, even at modest ranges.
But for general duck hunting, esp. if I have a good dog, I will continue to use my steel handloads. I kept records for a couple of seasons, and I found that my crippling rate wasn't any higher with steel than it was with other types of shot (mostly bismuth, but some of the hevishot and other types as well). I do try to keep at least a few shells on hand for special circumstances, such as that cripple that sails out on the water to the far end of shotgun range, but for me, I don't see a benefit when looking at a 'cost' factor. Don't overlook the fact that a lot of the pricer stuff goes on sale at the end of season as some retailers want to get rid of their inventory to make room for other stuff; I bought a box of Remington HD that was reduced for hunting turkeys this spring just a few weeks back.
Just MHO.........
I guess if you have the bucks, go for it, but if your like me, there are always other things that you can think of that you might want to spend the $$$ on, such as a new pup, outboard, boat, shotgun, more decoys, new waders, ect.
Just a note about Black Cloud: I've heard too many reports of barrels "blowing up" from people using Black Cloud; a lot of it may be internet BS, but I think that in some instances, there maybe some credibility to the why take a chance. I think others might feel the same way, as the local Gander had tons of the stuff that they had at a greatly reduced price at the end of the season.

Might be able to get out there a lot more this year since I moved to a new house just 6 miles down the road from one of the farms I hunt.
Congrats on the new home! Hope you do get the chance to get out a bit more.
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!
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