I found that I really didn't use many of the high priced hevi-shot shells. It just killed. Steel was/is still only so so . Yep speed kills and they have new loads..but you can look at it any way you want but steel and hevisteel does not kill like lead and nowhere close to Hevi-shot or the Rem HD..Black Cloud is a gimmick. I must agree Tungsten Matrix works really well but I am not a fan of Kent ammo. Good grief guys..How many shells do you shoot..Most people would never even shoot half a case..Lets say even 500 bucks.. You spend more than that in gas going and coming and watching/scouting.
Now then..Fabs..what the heck do you need a tractor for?? ...on 2 acres..sheesh. I had 3 tractors in Md bnut I did have a couple hundred acres..and used them. I have one here too..but I do garden extensively..about 5 acres in a garden.. Organic for the most part too..manure..LOL
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin