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Old 03-10-2011, 09:56 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by skeet View Post
Now then..Fabs..what the heck do you need a tractor for?? ...on 2 acres..sheesh. I had 3 tractors in Md bnut I did have a couple hundred acres..and used them. I have one here too..but I do garden extensively..about 5 acres in a garden.. Organic for the most part too..manure..LOL
I don't NEED a tractor. Just like I don't NEED the zero turn mower that is being delivered next week. However, they sure make doing things a lot easier.

I am probably going to install a French drain about 4 feet down in the front wall of the house because we are getting water through the block there since there is a hill right in front of the house. It sure would be nice to do that with a backhoe. Contractors want $10,000 to $30,000 to install the drain.

Then, the downspouts are set up in a fashion such that they drain right into the backyard on the surface about 10 feet from the house. Whenever it rains, the backyard is a marsh. I've had geese landing back there. However, since there are too many houses around and I cannot shoot the geese, I am going to run those downspouts further toward the back of the yard and put them in drain wells. Sure would be nice to have a backhoe to dig those trenches and the wells. Then, I am going to put in a 4 car garage at the back of the property. Sure would be nice to have a backhoe and front end loader for that.

We are putting in a wood burning furnace with natural gas backup this summer. It might be nice to have the tractor out in the woods to pull trees, carry wood, etc. One of the farms I hunt is just 6 miles down the road and they have about 30 acres of woods. Shouldn't be a problem getting firewood out of there. So, a Stihl chainsaw is also on the list of wants.

Oh yeah, we are putting in a fence for the entire backyard to keep the deer out and the kids and dog in. The backyard is about 1.5 acres. It sure would be nice to have an auger to dig those holes.

Then, the next big purchase on the list is rental property and a farm. I'm eventually going to get a place on the eastern shore one way or another and the tractor would probably come in handy over there.

Kind of like my F350. It works as transportation but I don't always NEED its capabilities. However, when I NEED them it sure is nice to have them and I will probably have that truck for 30+ years. Same goes for the tractor. I won't always need its capabilities, but it sure will be nice to have it around when I need them. Over its lifetime, or mine, whichever ends first, I am pretty sure it will come in handy many times over.

Might even be able to use it on the farm 6 miles down the road to put in a pit blind and maybe some food plots. Who knows. All I know is that I have a bunch of heavy work around the house that I need to get done over the next couple of years and a tractor sure would be useful versus a pick, shovel, and buckets.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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