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Old 03-11-2011, 09:19 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
Posts: 4,614
Fabs..ya ain't gonna get much "farm" for 500 grand..You'll need at least a Mil or more..Then I can put you in touch with a guy that can dig you a pond(pronounced pawn) Then I know where you can get a few geese to put in it for seed stock Keep the 0 turn mower..nice for cuttin grass As far as a tractor..If I were you..I would consider a small tractor like a Deere 990..clutch et al they aren't as convenient but have much more power..less to fix ' Then you can put some land in CRP and rent the rest out an be a gennlman farmer Hehehehehe..But please..don't act like a yankee over there on the shore.. If you do good..I can introduce you to a few real hunters..maybe get in with 'em...but you can't act like a yankee. That is really impotent. If ya got 'nuff land to put in some Sunflowers pronounces sun will put you in good with those guys. They'll teach ya how to pay fer the plantin and still have fun..But keep an eye on 'em.. They ain't country bumpkins and for the next 20 yrs you'll still be a come here..but the jokin bout that will get better over the course of 10-12 yrs...Oh and last but not caps.. Seed company hats..tractor hats and blue jeans or bibs..and come winter you have to at least look cold..none a them high falutin down camaflooge clothes. LOL An if ya start in to talkin bout tractors..John Deere..International and Ford. And if ya study a bit you'll really impress them guys if ya start in on Case or Minneapolis Moline or Allis Chalmers. They might even fergit and think you are onea them

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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