Nearly spat my coffee over the keyboard , in the UK a Fanny is the name given to a ladies private parts ie a c--t
O.K., Eggy....but just remember this: YOU brought it up!
True story time.....I used to work in an E.R. in a hospital in Detroit about 30 years ago; the Director used to have some great "strange, but true..." stories. One of them (that happened a few years prior to my working there) involved a female inmate from one of the State prisons that was being transferred (I assume for court) to the city. While on the drive, the bus driver hit a pothole or bump or some such thing and heard a loud "wump" or "thump", and just assumed that something had hit the bus. Shortly thereafter, one of the prisoners on the bus collapsed, so they brought her to the nearest E.R. (ours). She had every symptom of shock Shallow respirations, rapid pulse, low BP....the docs couldn't figure it out. On X-ray, they saw a bullet in the lower part of her chest. Then someone got the bright idea to do a pelvic exam on her, and lo and behold! The found a small, .25 caliber striker fired semiauto pistol in a "unique" holster!

Turns out that apparently, when the bus hit the pothole, the force jarred the firing pin loose from the sear and the gun fired. I'm told she survived after surgery.
So, now.....no more talk about "fanny" packs, O.K.? Or man purses, ect!