well they do make a smaller model called the public defender. smith and wess no make one called the governor that can hold 45 colt, 45acp and 410 all in the same cylinder. it says "mix six" on the website i never understood this concept. just like stacking a mag. how are you to know what round should be ready to go when you have a split sec to draw the gun? i have pondered a judge for house hold duties. i dont really understand where the functional niche for these things is. in the world of defense shooting one of the primary concerns is what is beyond your target. i saw a youtube video where a guy took a head shot at a sillouette with the 4 buckshot pellet load and missed all around the head. in real life where do the stray pellets go? so to rant but i struggle between wanting one because its nifty, and thinking it serves no purpose to any one with the ability to shoot properly. back to the topic, i know they make or made those tracker revolvers that could handle 45acp. maybe that would serve your purpose.