Thread: Taurus M450?
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Old 06-08-2011, 10:59 AM
dovehunter dovehunter is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr. 16 gauge View Post
Don't know why the Judge is so's ugly as sin and I don't know of anyone making a concealment holster for it.
I would think that in this day in age, with more and more states allowing concealed carry, that a 3-4" barreled 5 shot revolver chambered for the .44 special or .45 colt would be more popular.

..........shows you what I know!
I sure agree with you on ugliness and awkwardness of the Judge. You couldn't give me one of the durn things! However they must be popular. All the gunshops in my area say they have a hard time keeping them in stock. However, like the old saying goes, there's no accounting for tastes

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