S&W M29 & Colt Trooper Mk III here....both with 6" barrels. You guys are better than me....my range is 25-30 yards. I have trouble consistantly hitting the vitals at 50 yards.
Never shot a deer with a handgun, but I've taken two rams and two hogs off of preserves with them.....the last hog was well over 300lbs and taken with a cast bullet load from my .44 (LEE 245 grain SWC-GC).
The bullets that I have had great accuracy with and liked to shoot are no longer being made...they were the Speer 3/4 jacket SWC HPs (225 grain in .44 and 146 grain in .357). Currently I am working up a 158 grain JHP load for the .357 to take it's place. I have a heavier (240 grain) load for the .44 using Hornady's XTP HP that I will use, as well as the 245 grain cast round.
Never had a chance to shoot a .41 magnum....always was interested in the cartridge (I have a penchant for oddball or underdog cartridges), but I never got a .41. Originally, was was supposed to buy a S&W 57, but when I went to buy it, the store had sold it already.....and the M29 was there in it's place, so it came home with me instead.
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!