Adam as a steel mover you know the gun is capable, it is the shooter that limits the range and it is the wise pistol shooter that knows his own limits. However, in the East we rarely get a 100 yard shot at anything. Probably truth be told, our average clear shot here bouts is around 50 yards.
I prefer a shooting house over food plots myself as in my old crusty, creaky condition I like all the advantage I can get, plus when it starts to drizzle, I like the sound of rain on a roof, not my hat.

Oh, I will take my 357 mdl 66 with me but I do prefer my old standing and production class gun, the 30-30 Merrill, it is quiet and deadly with a 175gr Speer FP. I have killed a couple big hogs with the gun and load. For moving steel I used the 165 and 180 RCBS bullets over Unique when using the 30-30, other powders for other cartridges and barrels.