Thread: Elk Poll
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Old 12-10-2011, 11:46 AM
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grayghost grayghost is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
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There won't be any Elk left if these wolves keep it up. Some units that supported over 23,000 Elk are now down to less than 1,600. Wolf whiners say we're making this up; wolves only kill the sick and weak; Bears and Cougar are killing all the Elk, and the best one yet: we just want more Elk so WE HUNTERS can kill them all. If you love Elk, then email, write or call your Senator, Congressman and tell them your NOT happy about dumping these Yukon Canadian Wolves into our western eco-system. 61% tested so far have serious parasites and diseases. Elk and Deer are already showing up with it; huge tumors in their lungs. If you hunt wolves, DO NOT handle them without wearing disposable gloves. This has become deadly serious guys and gals. gg
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