What to own for protection?
Rapier & others, this is a great topic and one where I've spent many hours discussing and debating the subject with a good friend. Our subject was a "truck rifle" - one that we would carry in our vehicles for protection, targets of opportunity and of course protection from both 4- and 2-legged varmints.
There are thousands of crisis scenarios and one can't really prepare for all of them. I am probably not at all prepared for an armed insurrection with multiple BGs assaulting my home. For home protection in case of the common break-in, I prefer shotguns and handguns.
For vehicle weapons, my friend preferred a bolt action rifle in one of the 30 calibers. He wanted an older, low-cost weapon that would be effective but wouldn't break his heart if someone stole it. This could also substitute for a hunting rifle if his primary rifle went out of action. He was more interested in single-round power as opposed to rapid-fire capability.
I'm still not sure what is best, but a Ruger Mini-14 or AR-15 would be powerful enough for 2-legged predators at a reasonable range -- and rapid fire at close range. I've also think my old Marlin 336 lever action in 30-30 should do an adequate job. Will be interesting to hear opinions and comments from others.