I sold some of those Chinese SKS guns quite a few years ago. They will kill deer with dispatch in reasonable ranges. Had a bunch of friends that used them for Sika Deer in the swamps of Md. Sika deer are Japanese elk and weigh 150 lbs for a really big one. Most under 100. Ther rifles worked well in the swamp environment. The swamps are actually large marshes with tall Phragmites and swamp grasses so ranges are short. The only negative on the Chinese guns is the bbl. It is a drilled through tube with a glued in liner made of really hard chrome lined Metal(steel??)..or they used to be made this way. Out of some 100 of them I had two that the liner cracked on and half the barrel flew out the barrel of the gun. Most of them were fairly accurate and reliable. Of course they only cost 60-80 bucks then. Good ammo shoots pretty well these days. The old surplus was pretty bad.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin