Having had a few 28s..or more.. My preference is for a semi auto. O/Us for under a 1000 bucks are really not what i call the great choices. I am also not a Browning fan but if you look you can find a nice Browning Citori O/U in 28 for under 1500. I looked at a bunch the other night on my way back from a gun show in Great Falls. All the Citoris were 1500 or a bit under. You may find a used gun for a 1000 or so..but check to make sure it is in good condition..With the price of 28 ammo where it is I doubt any used gun will have been shot too much. Reloading for the 28 is an easy straight-forward proposition and you can load 'em for less than 1/2 the cost of new. I have to say..I have had a few O/Us in my day...if you want to be happy..pay a bit more and get a quality gun. If it's under a 1000 bucks..believe me..the quality is usually lacking in some area. I'm not saying they are junk..but good O/Us are not cheap to produce.. Buy Smart I think you will be much happier..Oh..and if possible..get a gun with 28 inch bbls..or more. Those little gauges are light and swing a bit quick. I shot a Caesar Guerini 28 ga in 30 inch a bit..and was very impressed.. But they are a little pricey! The distributor leant it to me for a month a dove season or so back in the past
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin