Thread: shooting death
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Old 11-27-2012, 12:48 PM
kt kt is offline
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that story may have more to it than what is stated right here. How ever all that the authorities need to know here is that you were leaving a bar near 2am and shot somebody you had a disagreement with. Im sure somebody with law enforcement backround can shed more light on this but im seeing 3 things here, beligerent enough to get in a heated debate, weapon and in the car after leaving a bar at 2 am. None of these in combination bode well for the CC. One thing i love about concealed carry is that in an effort to keep yourself out of situations where you may need to defend yourself, you keep yourself out of situations where you other wise shouldnt be (drinking and driving with a gun in the car). I've always also thought that any alcohol on your breath could lead to your decision to defend yourself being questionable in front of a jury. If this happens as you are buying groceries at walmart, aim for center of mass! Just my two cents, its a horrible story for all involved.
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