Thread: shooting death
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Old 12-01-2012, 05:55 PM is offline
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I have to agree about nut cases going to where they know nobody is alowed to carry so they will not get shot back at. And alcohol does not mix with anything....and this kid did not have it in the bar...had it in his car...and the fight started over a pool game I hear. However, so far, the guy should of not followed him outside the bar and after he got in the car to leave, he opened the door and pounded on him..that is when he grabbed his carry and his car..not in the bar...But as we all know, how much did the alcohol have to do with him thinking clear....ah,,good example is my own little brother..could not keep him out of the bars and he got into the painkillers on top of all day..took a 38 to his chest...end of that..sad...but he not listen..stay away from booze.
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