Ithaca Model 37
Here is a copy of the email I sent to the editor of Shooting Times. Just the idle thoughts of an idle fellow. All the best...
Dear Editor:
I enjoyed the article "Ithaca Model 37" by Joel Hutchcroft in the March 2014 issue of your magazine. There is no doubt that this is a classic shotgun and I am fortunate to own a number of them in 12, 16 and 20 gauge options. All of my Ithaca shotguns were bought off the used gun racks in various gun shops and the last one cost $189.00. I believe the author omitted the price of a new Ithaca Model 37 because the MSRP is right around $1,000.00. Who would buy a new one at that price when an excellent used Ithaca Model 37 can be purchased for a fraction of the cost? I doubt that you will publish my letter, but that is just fine because I am allowing my subscription to expire without renewing it. All the best...
Gil Martin
Schnecksville, PA 18078