Had a few
Ithaca 37s. They were a pretty good operating shotgun. Never did like 'em Always felt kinda clunky to me. Of course they were a copy of the Model 17 Remington..which was I think only made in 20 ga. I was in Winchester/Remington country. Couldn't sell 'em worth squat. I did think they were better operating than a nasty ol 870 though. The real Remington pump gun was the Model 31. Not many people know that the 12 ga 870 was designed off the Remington 31 16 ga receiver. The 31 had 2 or 3 different receiver sizes. So did the Ithaca I think. In the original Ithaca they never made a regular production 28 ga. The re-iteration of Ithaca I think did make a 28 and 410 available. The 410 woulda been great I think. If it worked well.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin