First shotgun I ever shot was my Dad's 37 in 16 ga. It had a 28" barrel choked mod., He used for all of his bird hunting and trap. He bought it before the war and switched to a Beretta O/U in 1970. The old 37 made a couple of trips back to the factory over the years but had lots of rounds through it.
I have two 37s one is a 37R 28" Full choke barrel from 52 and the other is a 16ga. from 57 with a 28" mod. barrel. Do shoot both and even made a SW Louisiana duck hunt, the 12 got fed bismuth only. The performed well and the bottom eject is great for blind hunting.
VFW Life Member, NRA Life Member, Wisconsin Conservation Warden Assoc. Life Member, Wisconsin Waterfowl Assoc. Life Member