Picked up 3 handguns today.
First one is an older Browning Hi Power in mint condition. Wooden Grips, knurled hammer and a T serial number prefix. Got 4 extra mags. Now I finally have succumbed to the double stack magazine. Did it my way though steel and wood. Don't believe it will displace my 1911s though. Am anxious to get out and shoot it this weekend.
In the deal I also got to single action Colt style in 45 Colt. One is an older American Western Arms Longhorn with a 4 5/8ths barrel. Again almost mint, very smooth action. The one that interested me the most is a Cimarron Thunderer 3" barrel with a modified birdshead grip in 45 Colt. I already have a Win. 92 copy and a Win. 94 in 45 Colt plus a Ruger Combo 45 Colt and 45 acp.
The Western Arms will probably end be given to my daughter or a grandson along with one of the rifles. May be they will turn out to be cowboy shooters. The Hi Power is something I've always wanted and now will give it a good trail to see how well I like it.
VFW Life Member, NRA Life Member, Wisconsin Conservation Warden Assoc. Life Member, Wisconsin Waterfowl Assoc. Life Member