Well I really like the Browning Hi Power, but because of its condition and being a T Series don't want to mess with it. The sights and small safety I want to change and want to take the magazine discounter out. What to do. Well I sold the one Peacemaker clone and bought a FEG Hi Power clone. This particular one was an Israeli Police Pistol. A friend was in the predicament I was did this and then proceeded to make it into a carry pistol. Ordered it on Wed. was at the PO on Friday. Did the paperwork on Sat. and picked it up today. Very good condition, bright shiny bore and 3 dot sights. Hope shoot it tomorrow and figure out what parts to order from Midway. Can't believe an old 1911 man could ever take up with these Hi Powers.
VFW Life Member, NRA Life Member, Wisconsin Conservation Warden Assoc. Life Member, Wisconsin Waterfowl Assoc. Life Member