The bad thing about an AR-15 is regardless of how good it is, it still looks like any other AR, so bear with me on this. The camera was messed up while I was build in the gun, I know who is the culprit, me. So my pictures turned out to be the built gun.
Here is what I did. Got the barrel in, cleaned it out with Sweet Shooter. Then I put the top of the gas block together with the gas tube, turned a thread into the tube port itself with a 6x32 tap per instructions, turned the #6 allen head adjustment screw all the way in. Locked up the RRA Upper in the fiberglass vice block, lubed the receiver threads, and stuck the tightening ring on over the barrel using an AR-15 armorers wrench to cinch it up, I use a drill bit that just fits the gas tube holes to align the holes. Had to play with this one a bit, in and out until in went tight enough to line up. The J P Ent clamp on block requires a bottom plug regardless of how the confusing papers read, like you do not need one until you get to the end. So we got the sleve in properly and aligned all the holes and cinched the 8 screws down to hold the block. The bolt fell into a locked position from a drop, good to go.
Stuck the RRA Operator upper on the tightening ring and discovered quickly that the holes out at the end would line up on the adjustment screw, allowing me to adjust the gas without drilling holes or taking the for-end off.
I tried a 5 gr load of Bullseye under two sheets of toilet paper, it promptly blew a hole through the cardboard box I shot into and did not blow a bit of the brass out. Same old hard brass story, just like a 357 Harrett, get big, get hot or stay home. I decided to use jacketed bullets to fire form the brass and had two boxes of the old Sierra 170gr RN FMJ Silhouette 357 bullets. So drug out the 8 pound keg of 1680 and powdered their bottom real generously.
Dug out a junky Bushnell cheapo scope, I had no rings high enough to put a real scope on the rifle. But for fire forming the Bushnell will work Ok.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"