These are the empty case bases in order, after fireforming with the adjustable gas block 32gr first row, first round at full close, no function
Turn screw out two turns brass left in action out of chamber, turn out 1/2 turn, brass out on ground, about 2 foot throw.
As I went up, I picked up all 5 rounds in a group, tarp on ground. When I got signs of scraping I turned screw in 1/4 to 1/2 turn notice only one or two slight signs, then none. Note 34, 34.5 and 35gr , the 34 was adjusted, 34.5 showed a light sign on one, adjusted, then at 1.5 turns out, 35 showed no signs of scraping, flat primers or enlarged primers. You could easily read the BR stamp on the primers.
When I say no scraping sign, that was after adjustment, which I think is the fair assesment of performance for the cartridge and the gas block.
The one missing primer was for measurment. .173-.1735 unfired and .173-.1735 after 35 grains of 1680. I poured them all in a tumbler and cleaned them up, except the pierced shoulder, it is a pin point hole burned through at about 33 gr. I just fireformed 51 cases to start because I did not know where or if they would show over pressure signs from 32 to 35 grains. Oh, I was using CCI Bench Rest SR primers in all Federal Brass. I want to return to the range with the repaired chronograph, a wire was loose on the 9 V Battery connection, with 3 loads 35, 35.5 and 36 to see if I get signs. One thing is the 1680 load is accurate in this barrel with the 170s but, it does not matter, because the bullets are no longer made. They were designed to function in a standard length 357 mag revolver cylinder. There is always a but, and this one is that the pre-foreformed cases at 35 gr 1680 were compressed, I suspect the bullet was touching the lands as they were not crimped and the bullet ogive is very short. I let one sit then put in back in the seater and there was resistance when the leaver was all the way down, so they grew due to the compression. Which is standard fare with H-110 & 296 unless you crimp them hard.
The 35gr load was 2470 FPS in this barrel but I want to remeasure the load due to the loose wire.
If the compression proves to be an issue with formed cases, it might be necessary to go a step faster to say 4227 to reduce the powder in the case and maintain the velocity.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"