This project has progressed along. I finally needed to add weight to the rifle as it was putting a whooping on me, at 50 plus rounds per outing. So I stuck a heavy scope on it plus a Limbsaver clip on recoil pad for the carbine stock. Have the gas block almost turned off to stop scuffing. I made 2,500 fps with the 180gr spire points and 2,320 fps with the Rem round nose 200s. Then I found an old cardboard box of what really looks like the RCBS 200s W/O a gas check cut on a plain base. Stripped them of lube and powder coated them. That turned into a wow, at about 2,400 fps, no leading at all and sub .5 inch groups after about 30 rounds to get rid of the jacket residue. This was shot last weekend with 34 grains of AA-1680 over BR SR primers in Federal brass. I used a 357 Mag expander to open the mouth of the case to get the cast bullets to seat with the PC coating intact. The bullets are compression fit to the crimping groove.
What this AR has turned into is a 358 Winchester bolt gun performance in an AR-15 Carbine. The 16 inch barrel speaks with authority and with the polymer lower, it is a very light carry gun even with the added weight I had to stick on it.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"