Thread: New 6XC barrel
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Old 03-27-2015, 12:54 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
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More fun and games. Hope it shoots as well as you hope for. That looonnnggg range stuff is just way past my pay grade anymore. I bought a Kimber 84 L in 30-06. It shoots better than any 30 cal rifle I have ever had. Being an ol guy I can't keep it under 3/4 inch. But I have a friend who has shot it. He is just nerveless. He shot 3 out of 5 groups with that rifle under 3/8 outside spread...not center to center. Amazingly it does it with Hornady Superformance factory loads with 165 gr SST bullets. I have taken 3 rounds apart weighed the powder charge checked the bullets etc etc. Have loaded some that seem to shoot the same for me. If I could stop my pounding heart beat I could probably shoot that rifle better. It is my longer range elk rifle. I still carry either a Marlin 45-70 or my old Winchester 71 348 up in the black timber. a long range there is maybe almost a 100 yds. The Winchester has a bolt peep and the Marlin has a Lyman peep. I was amazed at some of the shooting you guys do up there.. 500 yds would be my outside range on elk hunting. Speed goats too...if it ain't blowing. You ought to see those elkies RUN up a hill at 9000 ft..I might have to crawl the same slope

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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