Since my last writing I have run tests on other bullets from 125gr Rem JHPs to the 225 Nosler Acu Bond. Some results:
125 JHP H-110 32 @ 2,760 fps .87 group
140 FTX H-4227 32.5 2,717 fps .75 group
170 Sierra Silhouette 1680 36 2,498 .036 group
180 Hornady Power Shot 1680 36 2,518 .86 group
200 FTX 1680 34 2,369 fps .52 group
200 RCBS Cast LBT Blue Lube 2015 12.5 Sub Sonic still working
225 Nosler AB 1680 32 2,147 fps .237 group *
250 Hornady JSP Subsonic still working
* this load tops the 358 Win in a bolt gun with a 24 inch barrel
Also since I wrote last I have a new 1-12 twist 358 MGP gun for heavy bullet subsonic work and have built a new suppressor on a Form 1 Corporation build. I just got the can finished and anodized the titanium can yesterday.
I also have a Sightmark Photon 4.6 Day / night digital scope and a 20 IR illuminator to put on it. Going to try yotes in the dark as soon as I get the subsonic ammo going.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"