For Gun Springs, I prefer Wolff.
A PA Company makes Gun Springs; it is Wolff Springs. The prices are very fair and shipping is cheap. I had a Swiss Karbine M1911 shooting only two out of three carefully made handloads. The issue firing pin spring is rated 17.5pounds. Wolff has two "BlitzSchnell" (loosely translated "Lightning Fast") firing pin springs rated 21 or 23 pounds for $8.29 each with $3.95 shipping. I ordered out a 21 pound spring and now have 100% firing reliability.
As an encore, I got a pair of P-38 recoil springs and restored a "Battle of the Bulge" WWII P-38 pistole to 100% function.
I own NO stock in Wolff Springs, but they can be Googled and they have military surplus springs second to NONE, in my humble opinion.
Adam Helmer