Originally Posted by Gil Martin
At what ranges do you shoot? What weight bullet and powder do you prefer? All the best...
I have a 300 yard range right out my back door, er front door. Broke the barrel in on Saturday and it cleaned up after 4 shots! Proceeded to take 6 more and shot a 1.5" group at 300 after scrubbing the barrel each shot and just picking a "light" load..
Sunday I shot a ladder test at 500 yards. I have a secret spot a mile down the road. My accuracy nodes came in almost identical to my othe 6XC just .4 gr of powder lighter, so this barrel is just a smidge faster.
The go to powder for the 6XC is H4350... Period. I don't try and reinvent the wheel. It's probably the easiest round I've ever found to tune. Already have a load figured out just have to monkey with seating depths now
So after 10 rounds of break in and 13 rounds of ladder test I think I have a winner again! Hope to shoot these for group at 500 tomorrow. I'll let you know how I make out but I'm expecting something In The 1.5" -5 shot range at 500