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Old 04-27-2016, 06:48 PM
Gil Martin Gil Martin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Schnecksville, PA
Posts: 2,908
Low Number 1903 Springfield rifles

There is a lot of hype and misinformation regarding low number 1903 Springfield rifles made at Springfield Armory or Rock island Arsenal . At the range today, I saw a 1903 Springfield serial number range 653,000 in military condition that according to the peen marks on the receiver had been rebarreled four times. Hence we have a low number 1903 Springfield rifle that probably has had thousands and thousands of rounds put through it without a problem.

I have several sporterized 1903 low number Springfield rifles that I shoot on a regular basis. One is so accurate that it is impressive with whatever ammo i run through it. I have no reservations shooting these rifles. The decision whether to use or shoot a low number Springfield is a personal preference thing. Whatever you decide is the correct response. All the best...
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