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Old 02-27-2017, 08:40 PM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
Posts: 4,614
Beyond 500

Past 500 yards the 25-06 starts losing the ability to be worthwhile as a hunting cartridge with any bullet lighter than the 110 gr Accubond. It would be ok for antelope and smaller deer to about 600. That is a very long way and I don't shoot at game farther than that. Unless with no wind or absolutely direct bearing wind it will get pushed a long way. I use it for P dogs and yotes but wow. The 243 is only a 400 yard round at the best. With a starting speed(if you are lucky) of 3000 FPS at the muzzle with a 100 gr bullet it ain't got much oomph past the 400 mark..for ethical hunting anyway. The big ol boomers Petey and those guys shoot are better I guess. But the wind is usually a constant here and really hard to figure at those long ranges. But it is fun to shoot targets at those ranges and beyond. My range is 500 yards to the longest targets. I do have about a mile to shoot the Barrett though. It even wakes my neighbors up..One of 'em came over to see what all the noise was about. He wants to buy one... I really am not competent at a mile.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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