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Old 03-21-2017, 01:11 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Mansfield, PA
Posts: 3,865
Local Gun Shop Bargain table...

Weekly, I stop by my local gun shop (LGS) and check the bargain table. Our nearby Walmart has no such bargain table, so I support my LGS to ensure "More of the Same."

The bargain table is a constant source of partial boxes of component bullets for reloaders to try out. For example, I bought several boxes of jacketed rifle and pistol bullets for $2 to $5 for partial boxes of bullets I never loaded before. Some worked out and some were not so good.

Rifle slings, holsters, reloading tools, reloading books, etc., are on the table at 25% to 40% of retail. I am a regular customer at my LGS because if it is ever gone, the "Big Box" Stores have no provision to bring it back.

Shop Local.

Adam Helmer
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